Class 12 Business Studies new course 5 practice set

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NEB Class 12 new course practice set of Business Studies. New practice model set based on new curriculum and grid for class 12 Business Studies.

Class 12 Business Studies Practice Set 1

Group ‘A’

Very short Answer Questions: (11X1=11)

Attempt all Questions

1.     Why management is said to be a science?

2.     Write the meaning of stability of tenure?

3.     Mention any four benefits of planning?

4.     Introduce the term non programmed decision.

5.     Define the term decentralization.

6.     Introduce the term laissez fair leadership.

7.     Write any four nature of control.

8.     Introduce the term job enrichment.

9.     Mention for factors affecting supervision.

10.  What do you mean by quality management?

11.  Mention the contents of business plan.

Group ‘B’

Short Answer Question

Attempt all Questions (8X5=40)

12.  What are the different levels of management? Point out the major function of top level management.


What is decision making? Explain the process of Decision Making.

13.  Explain the principles of Scientific Management?

14.  Explain the procedures of planning?

15.  What is functional organization structure? Explain its advantage and disadvantage.

16.  What is family business management? Explain the nature of family business management.

17.  What is controlling? Explain the importance of controlling

18.  What is Motivation? Explain the importance of motivation?

19.  What is Supervision? Explain the role of supervision?


Explain the significance of business plan?

Group ‘C’

Long Answer Questions

Attempt all Question (3X8=24)

20.  Explain any eight Principles of Organization.


Discuss the barrier to effective communication.

21.  Explain the qualities of good leadership?

22.  Draft an Inquiry letter to Kathmandu Trading Enterprises, Kathmandu on behalf of Shrestha Trading Enterprises, Kathmandu to know about new product and way of Business.


Class 12 Business Studies Practice Set 2

Group ‘A’

Very short Answer Questions: (11X1=11)

Attempt all Questions

1.     Mention four features of management as a science.

2.     Mention the limitation of Administrative theory.

3.     Mention the features of planning.

4.     Introduce the term non programmed decision.

5.     What do you mean by divisional organization structure?

6.     Mention two differences between autocratic and democratic leadership.

7.     Define the term controlling?

8.     Two similarities between Maslow and Herzberg.

9.     Mention the process of Communication.

10.  Mention the source of conflict.

11.  What are the types of business letter?

Group ‘B’

Short Answer Question 

Attempt all Questions (8X5=40)

12.  Discuss management as Science or Art or Profession.


Explain the contents of business plan?

13.  Explain the pitfalls/disadvantage of planning?

14.  Explain the Guidelines for effective delegation of authority?

15.  Explain autocratic, democratic and lasses faire leadership?

16.  Explain the process of control?

17.  Explain the types of decision making?

18.  Explain the factors influencing supervision?

19.  What is communication? Explain the importance of Communication.


      What is talent management? Explain the importance of talent management.

Group  ‘C’

Long Answer Questions

Attempt all Question (3X8=24)

20.  Explain any eight Principles of Administrative management.


Write an application letter to the personal manager of Himalayan Bank Ltd. Applying for the post of junior Assistant quoting the advertisement published in the Rising Nepal daily on 1 St June 2021.

21.  Explain the challenges for effective delegation of authority?

22.  Discuss the Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs of motivation.


Class 12 Business Studies Practice Set 3

Group ‘A’

Very short Answer Questions: (11X1=11)

Attempt all Questions

1.     What are the concepts of management?

2.     List out the two comparison between Taylor and Fayol.

3.     Mention four advantage of planning in an organization.

4.     What are the different conditions of decision making?

5.     Mention two differences between simple organization and Functional Organization.

6.     What do you mean by accountability?

7.     Mention three feature of Laissez Faire or free Rein leadership.

8.     Mention the types of control.

9.     Mention two differences between Positive Motivation and Negative Motivation.

10.  Mention the features of Communication.

11.  Mention the components of quality Management.

Group ‘B’

Short Answer Question

Attempt all Questions (8X5=40)

12.  Explain the essential /Features of Management?


Explain the advantage and disadvantage of Decentralization?

13.  List the limitation of scientific management and Administration management principles.

 14.         Explain the benefit of planning.

15.  Explain autocratic, democratic and lasses faire leadership?

 16.         Explain the essentials of effective communication?

17.  Discuss the Quality of Management?

18.  Write an application letter to the personnel manager of Surya Tobacco Company, Kathmandu applying for the post of Marketing Manager quoting the advertisement published in the Kathmandu post daily on 1st April, 2021.

19.  What is Business plan? Explain the significance of business plan?

Group ‘C’

        Long Answer Questions

Attempt all Question (3X8=24)

20.  Explain any eight Principles of Organization.

21.  What is Decision Making? Discuss the types of decision making?

21.  Explain Herzberg’s Dual factors theory of motivation.


Class 12 Business Studies Practice Set 4

Group ‘A’

Very short Answer Questions: (11X1=11)

Attempt all Questions

1.     What do you mean by replace the Rules of Thumb with Science?

2.     Mention two differences between authority and responsibility.

3.     What do you mean by matrix organization structure?

4.     Mention the personal Qualities of Leadership.

5.     Mention four qualities of a good letter.

6.     Mention the features of conflict.

7.     Mention the types of conflict.

8.     What is Semantic Barriers?

9.     Write two advantage of Decentralization?

10.  Mention the two disadvantage of autocratic leadership.

11.  Write the components of Herzberg motivating factors?

Group  ‘B’

Short Answer Question

Attempt all Questions (8X5=40)

12.  Point out the function of top level, middle level and lowers level management.

13.  Explain the contribution of F.W. Taylor.


write the Limitation of Scientific management Principles and Administrative Management Principles?

14.  What is decision making? Explain the importance of decision making.

15.  Differences between delegation and decentralization of authority?

16.  Explain the roles of managers as a leader?

 17.         Explain the essentials of effective control?

18.  On behalf of KC and Company, Kathmandu, draft a letter of complaint to Sharma and Company, Pokhara regarding the receipts of low quality of goods.

19.  What is supply chain management? Explain the importance of supply chain management.

Group ‘C’

Long Answer Questions

Attempt all Question (3X8=24)

20.  What is Simple Organization Structure? Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of simple Organization Structure.


What is Matrix Organization structure? Explain its advantage and disadvantage? 

21.  What is communication? Discuss the. Discuss the Barriers of effective Communication?

22.  What is business plan? Discuss the contents of business plan?


Class 12 Business Studies Practice Set 5

Group ‘A’

Very short Answer Questions: (11X1=11)

Attempt all Questions

1.     Why management is said to be an art?

2.     Introduce the term scalar chain?

3.     Who is responsible for formulation of tactical plan?

4.     What is routine decision?

5.      Introduce the term committee organization.

6.     Mention four features of leadership.

7.     What are the essential of effective/adequate controlling?

8.     Mention features of motivation.

9.     What do you mean by horizontal communication?

10.  What do you mean by Inquiry Letter? 

11.  Mention the nature of business Plan

Group ‘B’

Short Answer Question

Attempt all Questions (8X5=40)

12.  What is management? Explain the key management function.


Discuss divisional organizational structure with its advantage and disadvantage

13.  Make a list of comparison of Taylor and Henry Fayol.

14.  Explain the types of decision making.

15.  What is Communication? Explain the types of Communication

16.  Draft an order letter on behalf of M/s link Ltd. Of Biratnagar to m/s Connect Ltd. Of Kathmandu for 10 each, latest model of computers and printers of Epson Brand.

17.  What is Family business management? Discuss the nature and role of family business management.

18.  Explain the formulation of business plan?

19.  Explain the techniques of Motivation?

Group ‘C’

Long Answer Questions

Attempt all Question (3X8=24)

20.  What is planning? Discuss the types of planning.

21.  Discuss Centralization and Decentralization, with its advantage and disadvantage.

22.  Give a Specimen of Business Plan.

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