An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a 32-bit number which uniquely identifies the devices like computer, printer, router etc on a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network. These devices in a network are termed as host. IP addresses are represented by four numbers separated by dot.
For example, let us consider an IP address
The 32-bit notation for above IP address is
For conveniency these 32 bit binary notation is divided into four parts each having 8 bits. Each 8 bits parts are known as octets. The IP address in binary notation is 11000000.10101000.1111101.10001001
Again IP addresses are divided into several classes. Most common are Class A, B and C. Class D and E are not used by end users. Different classes of IP address can simply distinguish by looking at its first octet. All three classes of IP addresses are explained briefly with their range: