NEB class 11 and 12 business studies new curriculum and syllabus

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Business Studies is a broad subject in the social sciences, allowing the in-depth study of a range of specialties such as accountancy, finance, organisation, human resource management and marketing. To serve the same, the curriculum of this subject for Grades 11 and 12 has been prepared in line with the National Curriculum Framework-2076 to prepare the students for job market and for higher studies.

NEB Class 11 and 12 Chapter Summary of Business Studies

Chapter Summary of Business Studies (New NEB Curriculum Syllabus Class 11 and 12)

Class 11

Class 12

1. Introduction to business1. Nature of management
2. Business idea2. Classical management perspective
3. Resource mobilization3. Planning and decision making
4. Forms of business ownership4. Organizing
5. Business ethics and social responsibility5. Leading
6. Risk and insurance6. Controlling
7. Taxation7. Other management function
8. Office management8. Contemporary issues on management
 9. Business letter writing
 10. Business plan 

NEB New curriculum class 11 business studies

  1. Introduction to Business (10 hour)

1.1 Business: an important human activity

1.2 Dimensions of business: service and commerce 

1.3 Objectives of business

1.4 Functions of business

1.5 Business environment: meaning and components

2. Business Idea (8 hour)

2.1  Introduction to creativity and innovation

2.2  Basics of creative behaviour

2.3  Sources of business ideas: existing product, government policies, research and development, business actors network (buyers, suppliers, channel members and consultants)

3. Resource Mobilization (15 hour)

3.1  Major resources: financial, physical, human and informational

3.2  Financial resources: equity and debt capital, fixed and working capital, venture capital, mutual fund

3.3  Physical resources (land and building, machinery and parts, furniture and fixtures)

3.4  Human resources (recruitment, selection and retention)

3.5  Informational resources (intranet, extranet and internet)

4. Forms of Business Ownership (48 hour)

4.1 Introduction to common forms of business organizations

4.2 Forms of business ownership 

a) Sole Trading Concern

  Introduction to sole trading concern

  Features of sole trading concern

  Reasons for starting sole trading concern

  Procedure of registration and renewals of sole trading concern in Nepal

b) Partnership Firm

  Introduction to partnership firm

  Features of partnership firm

  Difference between sole trading concern and partnership firm

  Reasons for starting partnership business

  Challenges of partnership business

  Partnership deed and its contents

  Right and duties of partners

  Procedure of registration and renewal of partnership form in Nepal

  Modes of dissolution of partnership form in Nepal

c) Company

  Introduction to public and private company

  of company business

  Features of company business

  Reasons for starting company business

  Challenges to company business

  Registration process of a company in Nepal

  Main documents of company in Nepal: memorandum of association, articles of association, prospectus, certificate of incorporation, certificate of commencement

  Company meetings

  Procedure of winding-up of a company

d) Co-operatives

  Introduction to co-operative organizations in Nepal

  Features of co-operative organizations

  Common forms of co-operative organizations

  Procedure of registration and renewal of co- operatives in Nepal

  Role of co-operatives in economic development of Nepal

e) Other Forms of Ownership

 Public enterprises: concept, features and roles  Multinational company: concept, features and


4.3 Factors influencing the choice of the form

5. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (9 hour)

5.1 Introduction to business ethics

5.2 Ethical principles for business

5.3 Introduction to social responsibility of business 

5.4 Areas of social responsibility

6. Risk and Insurance (10 hour)

6.1 Introduction to business risk

6.2 Role of insurance in business 

6.3 General principles of insurance 

6.4 Different types of insurance 

6.5 Essentials of insurance contract

7. Taxation (8 hour)

7.1 Introduction to tax in business

7.2 Types of tax: direct tax & indirect tax

7.3 PAN: concept, registration process in Nepal

8. Office Management (12 hour)

8.1 Office: meaning, functions and importance

8.2 Information management: meaning and importance

8.3  Principles of information management

8.4  Role of computer applications in record management

8.5  Filing: meaning, purpose, types, management of electronic file

8.6  Indexing: meaning, purpose, types, management of electronic index

NEB New curriculum class 12 business studies

  1. Nature of Management (12 hour)

1.1  Management: meaning and essentials

1.2  Management as science, art and profession

1.3  Key management functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling

1.4  Levels of management

2. Classical Management Perspective (8 hour)

2.1 Scientific management: principles and limitations

2.2 Administrative management: principles and limitations

3. Planning and Decision Making (15 hour)

3.1 Planning: Concept and rationale

3.1  Process of planning

3.2  Benefits and pitfalls of planning

3.3  Types of plans

3.4  Decision making: meaning and importance

3.5  Types of managerial decisions

3.6  Decision making conditions: certainty, risk and uncertainty

3.7  Decision making process

4. Organising (25 hour)

4.1  Organizing: concept and principles

4.2  Organizing process

4.3  Departmentalization: meanings and bases

4.4  Types of organizational structure: simple, functional, divisional, matrix and committee

4.5  Drivers of organizing: authority, responsibility and accountability

4.6  Centralization and decentralization

4.7  Arguments for and against centralization and Decentralization

4.8  Guidelines for effective delegation of authority

4.9  Challenges for effective delegation of authority

4.10 Differences between delegation and decentralization of authority

5. Leading (8 hour)

5.1  Leading: meaning and importance

5.2  Role of manager as a leader

5.3  Leadership qualities

5.4  Leadership styles: autocratic, democratic and laisses faire

6. Controlling (6 hour)

6.1 Controlling: meaning and importance

6.2 Process of control: Pre-control, concurrent control and post-control

6.3 Essentials of effective control

7. Other management functions (22 hour)

7.1  Motivation: meaning and importance

7.2  Techniques of motivation

7.3  Theories of motivation:

  Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs

  Herzberg’s Dual Factors Theory

7.4  Supervision: meaning and role

7.5  Factors influencing supervision

7.6  Communication: meaning and importance

7.7  Essentials of effective communication

7.8  Types of communication: horizontal, vertical and diagonal

7.9  Barriers to effective communication

8. Contemporary issues 

on management (16 hour)

8.1  Conflict management: meaning, sources and level

8.2  Talent management: meaning and importance

8.3  Quality management: meaning and components

8.4  Supply chain management: meaning and importance

8.5  Family business management: nature, roles

9. Business letter Writing (15 hour)

9.1  Business letter: meaning and uses

9.2  Structure of business letters

9.3  Qualities of business letters

9.4  Drafting of business letters: enquiry, order, confirmation, complaint and job application letter

10. Business Plan (8 hour)

10.1 Introduction to business plan 

10.2 Significance of business plan 

10.3 Contents of business plan 

10.4 Formulation of business plan