NEB class 11 important questions of computer science

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According to the new curriculum of National Examination Board (NEB), the grid and model of examination has changed from academic year 2077/78 BS. The final paper for new model will be of 50 full marks, which are divided into three section: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short answer questions and long answer question each weighing 9, 25 and 16. There will be 9 questions each carrying 1 marks in MCQ section, 5 questions each carrying 5 marks in short question section and 2 questions each carrying 8 marks in long question section. Click here to see new grid and model question of NEB class 11.
NEB Class 11 computer science syllabus consists of 8 chapters. Questions will be asked from each chapter in final board examination. Here are the list of important frequently asked question from each chapters. The following questions are based on old question collection.

Computer chapter wise old question collection

Chapter 1: Computer System (12 marks)

  1. Define computer system. Explain different unit with block diagram. [8]
  2. Define memory. Explain its types. [8]
  3. Differentiate between primary and secondary memory. [5]
  4. Define computer. Explain its feature. [5]

Chapter 2: Number system and conversion, Boolean logic  (7 marks)

  1. (111)Decimal = (?)Binary
  2. (FACE) Hexadecimal to Octal 
  3. Use 1’s and 2’s complement to perform (1111) - (100) [5]
  4. Use 1’s and 2’s complement to perform (10111) - (0010) [5]
  5. Explain logic gates with gate symbol, truth table and Venn diagram. [8]
  6. State and prove De-Morgan’s theorem. [5]

Chapter 3: Computer software and operating system. (8 marks)

  1. Differentiate between system and application software with example. [5]
  2. Differentiate between GUI and CUI/CLI with example. [5]
  3. Define operating system. Explain its functions. [5]
  4. Define OS. Explain its types with examples. [8]

Chapter 4: Application Package (3 marks)

  1. Define word processor. Explain its features. [5]
  2. Define spreadsheet. Explain the the term cell, work sheet, work book. [5]
  3. Define cell referencing.Explain its types. [5]

Chapter 5: Programming concepts and logics (5 marks)

  1. Define programming language. Explain its types. [8]
  2. Define control structure. Explain its types with flowcharts. [5]
  3. Define language processor. Explain its types. [5]
C-Programming section. 
  1. Define operator. Explain its types. [5]
  2. Differentiate between entry and exit control loop with program example. [5]
  3. Define string. Explain any four string handling function used in C. [8]
  4. Write a C program to check whether given number is divisible by 5 and 7 or not. [5]
  5. Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series i.e. 0 1 1 2 3 … [5]
  6. Write a C program to check whether given number is palindrome or not. [5]
  7. Write a C program to enter salary of 500 employee and find the average salary. [5]
  8. Write a C program to enter 4X4 matrix and find sum of its elements. [5]
  9. Write a C program to enter 10 number and find the greatest. [8]
  10. Write a C program that read two 2X2 matrices and perform matrix addition. [8]

(Click here for full C Course with program example)

Chapter 6: Web Technology - I (5 marks)

  1. Define HTML. Explain its features. [5]
  2. Define tags and its types with example. [5]
  3. Define DBMS. Explain its advantages. [5]
  4. For MCQ know about several tags and attributes such as character formatting tags (B, I, U etc), attributes of Body, Marquee, Image and Tables, Ordered and Unordered list.

Chapter 7: Multimedia (4 marks)

  1. Define multimedia. Explain its components/elements. [5]
  2. Define multimedia system. Explain different applications of multimedia. [5]

Chapter 8: Information security and Cyber law (6 marks)

  1. Define information security. Explain various methods of it. [5]
  2. Define malicious program. List the effect and precaution of virus in our computer. [5]
  3. Explain the term cyber law and  cyber crime with examples. [5]

[Note: Since the final exam paper with have optional OR questions and MCQs. So figure in the margin may not resemble accurate marks.]

Click here for NEB Class 11 Computer Science grid and model question
Click here for NEB Class 11 Computer Science syllabus and curriculum
Click here for NEB Class 11 Computer Science full solution.