PABSON Class 10 Computer Science solution

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PABSON is the organization of private school in Nepal. PABSON annually conducts pre-board examination for SEE appearing students of class 10. The exam is mostly conducted one month prior to the SEE examination. Here is the solution of PABSON computer science solution of pre-board examination. The full marks for the exam is 50 and the pass mark is 20. The time duration for the exam is one hour thirty minutes.

Answer the following questions in one sentence: [6x1=6]

a) What is an E-mail?

E-mail stands for Electronic Mail which is the process of exchanging messages through internet using unique address.

b) What is cyber law?

The law which governs the cyber space to eradicate cyber crimes and legalize electronic and financial transaction done through electronic medium.

c) What is the field size of Yes/No Field?

The field size of Yes/No Field is 1 Bit.

d) Write any two objects of ms access.

The two objects of MS-Access are: table and form

e) What is module?

The small functional and manageable part of the program is called module.

f) Write any two data types of C language.

The two data types of C language are: int and float


2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following . [4x0.5=2]

a) Business through Internet.


b) A type of network in which each computer act as server as well as client.


c) A collective online communications channels dedicated to community base input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Social media

d) The smallest unit to represent information on quantum computer.

Quantum Bit


3. Write the full form of the following: [4x0.5=2]

B2B: Business 2 Business

FTP: File Transfer Protocol

ICT: Information Communication and Technology

LAN: Local Area Network


4. Answer the following questions. [9x2=18]

a) Write any two advantages and disadvantages of computer network.

The two advantages of computer network are:

  • It helps to share expensive hardware and software.
  • It helps to share database.

The two disadvantages of computer network are:

  • There may be data and information security issue.
  • Technical manpower is required to operate a computer network.

b) What is digital footprints? Write two tips to maintain digital reputation.

The traces left by the user through their online or offline activity is called digital footprints. In order to maintain digital reputation:

  • Do not create misuse social media by creating fake news and accounts.
  • Use internet to share your ideas, creation and digital contents.

c) What is password policy? Write any two important criteria for creating strong password.

A set of rules which is designed to increase computer and information security by encouraging computer users to use strong passwords. The two criteria for creating strong password are:

  • Use different combination of alphanumeric values and symbol.
  • Don’t use easily guessable password such as name, address etc.

d) What is e-commerce? Write any two advantages of e-commerce?

The process of buying and selling goods and services through internet is called e-commerce. The two advantages of e-commerce are:

  • Physical store is not required. 
  • Its 24/7 available.

e) What is IOT? Write any two advantages of it.

IOT is the network of electronic devices which is capable of communicating with its environment and are built with sensors, hardware and software. The two advantage are:

  • It can be used for home automation.
  • It can be used to enhance virtual communication.

f) What is DBMS? Write any two examples of it.

DBMS stands for Database Management System which is an application for systematic and scientific analysis, interpretation, storing and retrieving data. The two example.

MS-Access and MY SQL

g) What is MS Access? Write any two advantages of it.

MS Access is the DBMS software developed by Microsoft in order to analyze, interpret, store and retrieve data. The two advantages of MS-Access are:

  • It has wide range of datatypes.
  • It is easier to learn for beginner.

h) What is query? Write its type.

Query is the object of DBMS which is used to retrieve or access data from the database as per the requirement of the user. It types are:

  • SELECT query
  • ACTION query
  • APPEND query
  • DELETE query
  • UPDATE query
  • MAKE TABLE query

i) What is data type? Write some data types of MS-Access.

The classification that specifies which types of values can be stored in a particular field is called data types. Some data types of MS-Access are:

Text, Memo, OLE, Yes/No

5. Write down the output of the given program. Show with dry run inn table. [2]

CALL seri

SUB seri
a$ = “SCIENCE”
b = LEN(a$)
FOR i = 1 TO 4
PRINT TAB(i); MID$(a$, i, b)
b = b-2


a$b = LEN(a$)ii<=4

Output is:





6. Rewrite the given program after correcting the bugs: [2]

REM to convert the given number in reverse order.
INPUT “Enter a number”; a
CALL rev(a)
PRINT “Reverse = “; re
FUNCTION rev$(a)
WHILE a<>0
r = a MOD 2
s = s*10+r
a = a/10
rev = s

After correcting bugs:

INPUT “Enter a number”; a
re = rev(a)
PRINT “Reverse = “; re
WHILE a<>0
r = a MOD 10
s = s*10+r
a = a\10
rev = s

7. Study the following program and answer the given questions: [2]

OPEN “info.dat” FOR OUTPUT as #5
INPUT “Enter Name”; n$
INPUT “Enter Address”; a$
INPUT “Enter Phone number”; p
WRITE #5, n$, a$, p
INPUT “Do you want to continue (Y/N)? “; an$
IF UCASE$(an$) = “Y” THEN GOTO tup

a) List any two variables used in above program.

The two variable used in above program are:

  • Sting variable: n$, a$, an$
  • Numeric variable: p

b) What is the name of data file used in above program?

The name of data file used in above program is: “info.dat”

8. Convert/ Calculate as per the instruction [4x1=4]

A) (110111) Binary into Decimal



Therefore, (110111) Binary = (45) Decimal

B) (25AF) Hexadecimal into Binary

We know that,

2 = 0010

5 = 0101

A = 1010

F = 1111

Therefore, (25AF) Hexadecimal = (0010010110101111) Binary

C) (11110) + (10011)

     1 1  1  1 0

+   1 0 0  1 1

= 1 1 0 0 0 1

D) (1110) / (110)

110 ) 1 1 1 0 ( 10

        - 1 1 0

                1 0

                 - 0

                1 0

Therefore, Quotient = 10 and Remainder = 10

9) A) Write a program in basic that ask the radius of a circle and calculate its area and circumference of a circle. Create a user-defined function FIRST(r) to calculate area and su-procedure SECOND(r) to calculate circumference of a circle. [4]

Declare function FIRST(r)
Declare sub SECOND(r)
Input “Enter radius”; r
x = FIRST(r)
Print “Area is”; x

Function FIRST(r)
a = 3.14*r*r
End function

C = 2*3.14*r
PRINT “Circumference is “; C
End sub

B) Write a program to update the rate by increasing 10% from a sequential data file “Data.dat” that store item name, rate and quantity. [4]

OPEN “Data.dat” FOR input AS #1
OPEN “temp.dat” FOR output AS #2
INPUT #1, n$, r, q
r = r + (0.1*r)
WRITE #2, n$, r, q
CLOSE #1, #2
KILL “Data.dat”
NAME “temp.dat” AS “Data.dat”

10. Write a program in C language to calculate simple interest [4]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main( )
float p, t, r, i;
printf(“Enter principal time and rate”);
scanf(“%f %f %f”, &p, &t, &r);
i = (p*t*r)/100;
printf(“Interest is %f”, i);
getch( );


Write a C program to find sum of first 10 natural numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main( )
int i, s=0;
for(i=0; i<=10; i++)
printf(“Sum is %d”, s);
getch( );

Click here for class 10 Computer Science full notes