All shortcuts used in MS Word

access_time Jul 15, 2021 remove_red_eye 1979

MS-Word is a word processing software developed by Microsoft Corporation. This software comes un Microsoft office package. It is used for text editing, designing brochures, labels, letters, pamphlets, advertisement etc. It has several advance features such as customizing text, inserting tables, graphs charts etc. For convenient use of the MS-Word software, there are tons of shortcut keys which allows user to perform any action in just press of a key. Several shortcuts and their functions are listed below.

All Shortcuts of function keys in MS Word

Functions of Functions Key

EscCancel an action
F1Get online help
F2Move text or paragraphs
F3Inset an auto text entry
F4Repeat the last action
F5Choose the Go to command
F6Go to the next pane or frame
F7Choose the spelling command
F8Extend a selection
F9Update selected fields
F10Activate the menu bar
F11Go to the previous field
F12Choose the save command

All Shortcuts of Ctrl + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Letters

Ctrl + ASelect All  
Ctrl + BBold (Ctrl + Shift + B)
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + DFont
Ctrl + ECentre Align
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + GGo To
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + IItalic (Ctrl + Shift + I)
Ctrl + JJustify
Ctrl + KInsert Hyperlink
Ctrl + LLeft Align
Ctrl + MLeft Indent
Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + QReset Align
Ctrl + RRight Align
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + THanging Indent
Ctrl + UUnderline (Ctrl + Shift + U)
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + WClose the active window document
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ZUndo

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Numbers or Special symbol or other keys

Ctrl + 0 (zero)Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph
Ctrl + 1Single line spacing
Ctrl + 2Double line spacing
Ctrl + 5Set 1.5 line spacing
Ctrl + EnterPage Break
Ctrl + EscShow the Microsoft Windows start menu
Ctrl + TabTab character in a cell
Ctrl + EndTo the end of document
Ctrl + SpacebarRemove manual Character formatting
Ctrl + Up arrowOne paragraph Up
Ctrl + Down arrowOne paragraph down
Ctrl + Left arrowOne word to the left
Ctrl + Equal signApply subscript formatting (Automating spacing)
Ctrl + DeleteDelete one word to the right
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete one word to the left
Ctrl + [Decrease font size by 1 point
Ctrl + ]Increase font size by 1 point
Ctrl + \Move between a master document and its sub documents
Ctrl + < Shrink font
Ctrl + >Grow font
Ctrl + Pg UpTo the top of the previous page
Ctrl + Pg DnTo the top of the next page
Ctrl + Hyphen (-)An Optional Hyphen

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Function keys

Ctrl + F1Toggles the display of the Ribbon.
Ctrl + F2Choose the print preview
Ctrl + F3Cut to the spike
Ctrl + F4Close the window
Ctrl + F5Restore the document window size
Ctrl + F6Switch to the next word document window
Ctrl + F7Choose the move command
Ctrl + F8Choose the size command
Ctrl + F9Insert and empty field
Ctrl + F10Maximize the document window
Ctrl + F11Lock a field
Ctrl + F12Display the open dialog box

All Shortcuts of Alt + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Alt + Numbers

Alt + 1Go to previous folder
Alt + 2Open the folder up on level from the open folder
Alt + 3Closes the dialog box
Alt + 4Delete the selected folder or file
Alt + 5Create a new sub folder in the existing folder
Alt + 6Preview views
Alt + 7Show the tools button (Tools menu)

Shortcuts of Alt + Letters

Alt + ASwitch to the answer wizard tab
Alt + BOpen the address book in the Bcc field
Alt + CSwitch to the content tab
Alt + ISwitch to the index tab
Alt + JGo to the subject field
Alt + SSend the active document or message

Shortcuts of Alt + Function Keys

Alt + F1Go to next field
Alt + F2Display Save As dialog box
Alt + F3Create an auto text entry
Alt + F4Quit word/Exit word
Alt + F5Restore the program window size
Alt + F6Toggles between all the currently opend document
Alt + F7Find the next misspelling or grammatical error
Alt + F8Run a Macro
Alt + F9Switch between all field codes and their results
Alt + F10Maximize the program window
Alt + F11Display microsoft visual basic code
Alt + F12Activate print preview

Shortcuts of Alt + Other keys

Alt + . (dot)Update auto format
Alt + HomeFirst Cell in a row
Alt + EndLast cell in a row
Alt + Pg DnLast Cell in a column
Alt + Pg UpFirst Cell in a column
Alt  + Down arrowOpen the selected list
Alt  + Right arrowGo forward on page

All Shortcuts of Shift + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Shift + Function Keys

Shift + F3Change case
Shift + F4Repeat a find or go to action
Shift + F5Move to a previous revision
Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame
Shift + F7Thesaurus
Shift + F8Shrink selection
Shift + F9Switch between a field code and its result
Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu
Shift + F11Go to previous field
Shift + F12 

Shortcuts of Shift + other Keys

Shift + HomeTo the beginning of a line
Shift + Left arrowSelect or cancel the selection of one character to the left
Shift + EnterA line break

All Shortcuts of Ctrl + Alt + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Alt + Letters

Ctrl + Alt + EEndnote
Ctrl + Alt + FFootnote
Ctrl + Alt + ISwitch in or out of print preview
Ctrl + Alt + KStart auto format
Ctrl + Alt + LA LISTNUM field
Ctrl + Alt + MInsert Annotation
Ctrl + Alt + NNormal
Ctrl + Alt + OOutline
Ctrl + Alt + PPage layout
Ctrl + Alt + RThe registered trademark symbol
Ctrl + Alt + SSplit the document window
Ctrl + Alt + TThe trademark symbol
Ctrl + Alt + UUpdate auto format
Ctrl + Alt + VInsert Auto Text
Ctrl + Alt + YRepeat find
Ctrl + Alt + ZGo back to page, bookmark, footnote, table

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Alt + Numbers

Ctrl + Alt + 1Heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2Heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3Heading 3

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Alt + Other Keys

Ctrl + Alt + Pg DnTo the end of the window
Ctrl + Alt + Pg UpTo the top of the window
Ctrl + Alt + HomeBrowse through a document
Ctrl + Alt + .(Period)An ellipsis

All Shortcuts of Ctrl + Shift + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Shift + Function Keys

Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert spike 
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous window
Ctrl + Shift + F7Update linked information in a word source document
Ctrl + Shift + F8To a vertical block of text
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field
Ctrl + Shift + F10Activate the ruler
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field
Ctrl + Shift + F12Choose the print command

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Shift + Letters

Ctrl + Shift + AFormat letters as all capitals
Ctrl + Shift + BOpen the address book
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy formats
Ctrl + Shift + DDouble underline
Ctrl + Shift + ETurn track changes on or off
Ctrl + Shift + FChange the font
Ctrl + Shift + GCreate a message flage
Ctrl + Shift + HApply hidden text formatting
Ctrl + Shift + KSmall Caps
Ctrl + Shift + LApply the list style
Ctrl + Shift + MRemove paragraph indent from left
Ctrl + Shift + NNormal style
Ctrl + Shift + PChange font size
Ctrl + Shift + QSymbol font
Ctrl + Shift + SStyle
Ctrl + Shift + TReduce a hanging indent
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste format
Ctrl + Shift + WWord only underline

Shortcuts of Ctrl + Shift + Other Keys

Ctrl + Shift + -(hyphen)A non breaking hyphen
Ctrl + Shift + +(plus)Superscript
Ctrl + Shift + *(asterisk)Display non printing characters
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size
Ctrl + Shift + HomeTo the beginning of a document
Ctrl + Shift + SpacebarCreate a non breaking space
Ctrl + Shift + EnterA column break
Ctrl + Shift + EndTo the end of a document
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrowTo the beginning of a word
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowTo the beginning of a Paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to he previous tab in a dialog box

All Shortcuts of Alt + Shift + keys in MS Word

Shortcuts of Alt + Shift + Letters

Alt + Shift + AExpand or collapse text under heading
Alt + Shift + CRemove the document window split
Alt + Shift + DFind Date
Alt + Shift + EEdit a mail-merge data document
Alt + Shift + FInsert a merge field
Alt + Shift + IMark a table of authorities entry
Alt + Shift + KPreview a mail merge
Alt + Shift + LShow the first line of bofy text or all bofy text
Alt + Shift + MPrint the merged document
Alt + Shift + NMerge a document
Alt + Shift + OMark a table of contents entry
Alt + Shift + PA page field
Alt + Shift + RCopy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document
Alt + Shift + TA TIME field
Alt + Shift + UUpdate field
Alt + Shift + XMark an index entry

Shortcuts of Alt + Shift + Numbers

Alt + Shift + 1Show all headings with the heading style 1
Alt + Shift + 2Show all headings with the heading style 2
Alt + Shift + 3Show all headings with the heading style 3

Shortcuts of Alt + Shift + Function Keys

Alt + Shift + F1Display Microsoft visual studio code
Alt + Shift + F2Choose the save command
Alt + Shift + F9Run go to command or macro button from the field that displays the field results

Shortcuts of Alt + Shift + Other keys

Alt + Shift + -(hyphen)Collapse text under a heading
Alt + Shift + +(plus)Expand text under heading
Alt + Shift + Down arrowMove selected paragraphs down
Alt + Shift + Left arrowPromote a paragraph
Alt + Shift + Right arrowDemote a paragraph
Alt + Shift + Up arrowMove selected paragraphs up
Alt + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous program or word document window

Click here to get familiar with MS-Word Interface, Menus and Toolbars